Hey everyone!!! My name is Allison Morrow and I am excited to share a little about myself. I have spent my whole life trying to really figure out who the fuck I am….and once I started to truly go within, I listened to that inner feeling, and I discovered the TRUE me…. I realized that I could begin to really see myself from a new perspective. 

I was raised with religion and beliefs that made me question myself. My life was not all rainbows and unicorns and in fact… I had a lot of trauma, stress, and struggled…. A LOT!

more about me

Being in situations that have forced me to grow up fast and have little support in this world, especially after losing my mother at a young age, no father figure in my life, abuse and being alone all the time, I finally started to listen to this inner voice in my head. It was then, that I realized that I am not alone. All my life I have been told that there is just “something about me” and I decided to finally embrace and have fun being who the fuck I am. I always knew I could “channel and had a sense of always knowing things”. I could hear these voices, see people that no one else could see, and I always had the perfect “thing to say” to help others feel better. Come to find out… it wasn’t just shit in my head! Haha!! And yes… I swear… When I channel… my guides do not have filters and so I just say it like it is! Really claiming that I channel, read energy and help others heal has been the best thing in my life! In fact, it wasn’t until I truly decided to stay on the path of my gifts, that my life started to turn around for the good!

until now!

One of my main priorities and top values is creativity. And that is including having adventures and experiencing new things in life. I won't be the one that does the traditional thing and you will not see me following anything by the book. 

I received a full scholarship for college and I went for one day and knew immediately that it was not for me so I gifted it back to someone else to enjoy the experience of a college education.

I did not have a traditional wedding, my husband and I had a very small destination wedding on an Island. It was my first time flying, and seeing the ocean and I still to this day am so glad I chose that creative path.

I am very connected to all of nature, but my favorites are the sun and water! When I am not working with others, you will find me chasing and basking in the sun, the warmth, getting my feet in the water (not my head as I do not like that ) trying new holistic things and places where I can meet new and beautiful souls! 

I LOVE to be at my home which is in the Midwest, I enjoy BE-ing with my 3 beautiful children and husband. We started our journey and plan to complete our soul contract strongly together (well over 20yrs together). We love to teach, guide and embrace our children's own unique gifts. We desire for them to love and enjoy their life the best they can at a young age, all while still knowing they have a safe space with us when they have difficulties as they grow older. Even though I live where it can be cold most of the year, I make sure I find ways to enjoy it. Along with still making time to dream and create a life living somewhere tropical, so we go on vacations to get my energy from the sun (I am a beach babe… not a mermaid) 

I have always had a deep connection with dogs… I can read and channel all animals, but the dogs that I share this lifetime with are definitely my children that are reincarnated or from a past life, and that is how they are loved in our family.

I am a really hard-working and fun soul that loves to be active, especially outside physically. Some of my favorite things are hiking, kayaking, paddleboarding, climbing mountains, walking the beach, journaling, dancing, anything outside… even doing yard work, except for landscaping as I can’t seem to find the joy in that unless it's simple and easy and I don’t have to pick weeds since I love them and believe they belong as well. 

I am a free spirit and an old soul. I love to be free and empowered and am not afraid to just be ME. 

I am a really easy-going gal that keeps shit real! I have been there - done that, witnessed or experienced the kind of shit you just can’t make up, and so you could share the craziest thing ever, and I will be the first person to tell you that I am really fucking proud of you and show you that you are a divine light and how to look at anything with a new perspective. 

Describing myself is something that I find hard to put into human words. But you can feel the energy and frequency that I have within and share with you all. The best way to describe it is Divine Sunshine. I am this ball of light that you will just want to keep around or with you. I have this fun, loving, and bright energy that I love to shine and share with everyone! And I do this by just being me!

I am so excited to get to know you all on a much deeper soul level and help you find the true YOU. To find that bright divine light that you have from within.

Lots of love and divine light,